Great Falls Lit’l Duke University Kindergarten, Pre-K, and Preschool 

Early Childhood Education For Ages 3 ½ - 5 Years 
Our program is specially designed to integrate a variety of sensory and movement-based experiences for our learners. This allows your children to be active learners and integrate academics with movement, play, projects, creativity, and critical thinking! When engaged in movement of the body, we are able to access multiple parts of our brain. When children can access their brain and move their bodies simultaneously, they are in a state of mind ready for learning! The best of learning worlds, where “traditional” meets movement learning. Our programs are full school days complete with gymnastics instruction from September-May. 

Kindergarten Schedule:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:  9:00am-2:30pm

Full-Day Preschool Schedule:

  • Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday:  9:00am-2:30pm

Half-Day Preschool Schedule:

  • Wednesday and  Friday:  9:00am-12:00pm

A Progressive Learning Program

Our preschool program is designed so that no matter how many years your child attends with us, they will build on the curriculum and the skills they learn. 

A Lit'l Duke School Day Includes

Morning Welcome:  Special time in the gym to play freely and wake the brain. Followed by movement morning circle time. We can jump, sing, hop and learn.

Circle Time: Begins with “fine motor roll call”, the pledge, listen to a story, and discuss the calendar, seasons, birthday and the theme presented in the class for that day.

School Time: Opportunities to build with blocks, create cities for little people, race cars, do a puzzle, play a game, or dance. Our Art center creates a time to draw or glue, squish play-dough, paint an original at the easel, or explore the daily art or science project, sensory bins, writing, counting and more! We infuse years of invaluable experience with “Zoo-Phonics”, “Starfall” and “Learning without Tears”.

Bathroom Time: Children learn the importance of hand washing and self-hygiene, as well as independent dressing skills, such as putting on socks, and tying shoes.

Snack & Lunch: A snack calendar is shared. Full Day students bring lunch. We are happy to warm up, toast or prepare your items for children.

Clean Up: Everyone cleans together and prepares for the next activity.

Gym: All classes receive a daily structured class. We incorporate music, cooperative games and movement learning. This helps increase core strength, teach basic gymnastic shapes and beginning gymnastic progressions.

Interested In Our Preschool Program? Fill Out The Form Below

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